πŸ‘‹Login & Basic Setup

Logging In

Open a terminal on your computer and type:

ssh [wm_username]@[subcluster_name].sciclone.wm.edu

For this example, we'll be logging into the Vortex sub-cluster, so type 'vortex' in place of [subcluster_name]. When prompted for a password, enter your W&M password.

Your terminal should now look similar to this:

Home Directory

Type pwd (print working directory) into your terminal. It should print out: /sciclone/home20/<wm_username>.

This is your landing directory - you'll open to this every time you login.

Now type ls into your terminal. If this is the first time you are logging in, you should see 4 folders print out. You can find read more about the purpose of each of these folders here: https://www.wm.edu/offices/it/services/researchcomputing/using/files/index.php

Working Directories

You are free to make as many folders here (in home20) as you like, as long as you do not store large amounts of data in them.

Best practice is to store code files within your home20 directory and data within a folder provided to you by Dan (or another professor) in either /sciclone/geograd/ or /sciclone/geounder/

You can make a new folder using the mkdir <folder_name> command

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