Conda Environments
Setting up Conda environments on the cluster is very similar to how you would do it on your local computer. It is highly recommended that you use Conda environments when running code the HPC.
To create a Conda environment and install packages, first log in to a frontend on SciClone with a terminal (i.e., ssh After you log in, copy these two lines into your terminal and hit enter.
This will source and load the Anaconda module so it is ready for you to use.
Next, follow the standard steps for creating a Conda environment. Use the following line to create your environment and type y
when prompted Proceed ([y]/n)?
(note some of the scikit learn examples assume your envname is "aml35" and you use python=3.5, i.e. conda create -n "aml35" python=3.5
Next, activate your new environment by typing:
To see a list of all the environments you've created, type:
Once you've activated your environment, you can install any packages you need for a program using standard pip install commands. I.e.:
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